Career Pathways in the Outdoors

Below are a series of short videos from various professionals working in the Outdoor Sector, sharing: what it’s like to work in their role; any key insights on the types of skills that you will need to be successful; and any advice that they have for someone interested in building an outdoor career!

Feel free to watch each of the videos as a set or skip to the job/position that you are most interested in pursuing.

Adam Mertens, Director of Recruitment and Risk Management | The Howl Experience

Aurora Borin, Diversity Equity Inclusion and Mental Health Services Manager | Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG)

Carinna Kenigsberg, Director of Programs and Impact | Power to Be

Deneen Allen, Founder and CEO | The Firecircle and Pure North Canada

Franz Plangger, Executive Director | Outdoor Council of Canada

Nevin Harper, Professor | University of Victoria

John Telford, College Teacher | Camosun College

Julie Rosenthal, Associate Professor | Lakehead University

Nikki Rekman, Owner | Nikki Rekman Sales

Paul Gregory, Senior Organizer | Nature Canada

Sarah Hrdlicka, Co-owner | Cape LaHave Adventures


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